1. Do not use the sauna when hungry or on a full stomach.
2. Wash under the shower first.
3. Sit on a towel in the sauna.
4. Lying flat, you will feel pleasant heat uniformly. However, you should sit up for the last two minutes.
5. Go into the fresh air after taking a sauna.
6. Wash off perspiration before using the cold shower.
7. Repeated cold water exposure trains the blood vessels and strengthens the immune system.
8. A rest period afterwards is pleasant and also enhances revitalization.
9. You can enjoy a massage between sauna sessions.
10. You should recover for around 20 minutes between two sauna sessions. More than three sauna sessions do not increase the health impact of the sauna.
11. Drink sufficient fluids after using the sauna, such as fruit juice spritzers, herbal teas.